Orthodontic Treatment

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Orthodontic Treatment

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Orthodontic Treatment


Invizalign is a teeth straightening alternative to traditional braces. This innovative system for achieving straight teeth uses aligners that are transparent, removable, and custom-made specifically for the individual.

Removable Orthodontic Treatment

Removable orthodontics is a treatment method used for the correction and alignment of teeth. Unlike traditional fixed orthodontic treatment, the appliances (aligners, aligners, etc.) used in removable orthodontic treatment are removable and reinsertable.

Orthodontic Treatment: For a Natural and Healthy Smile

A straight and healthy smile, which is everyone’s dream, is possible with the correct tooth alignment. However, for many people who do not naturally have a proper tooth alignment, orthodontic treatment makes this dream a reality. With the orthodontic treatment offered in our clinic in Antalya, we ensure that our patients have a healthier, more aesthetic and happier smile.

What is Orthodontics?

Orthodontics is a field of dental treatment that aims to achieve a proper alignment of the teeth and jaws and a proper bite. This treatment usually involves the correction of conditions such as irregular tooth alignment, crowding, jaw disorders.

Benefits of Orthodontic Treatment

Orthodontic treatment not only provides an aesthetic improvement, but also offers health and functional benefits. These include the following:

Healthier Teeth and Gums: Properly aligned teeth allow for better cleaning between the teeth, thereby reducing the risk of tooth decay and gum disease.

Better Chewing Function: Properly aligned teeth help you chew and digest food more effectively.

Improving Jaw and Facial Aesthetics: Orthodontic treatment can help restore balance in the jaw and face, which can contribute to a more balanced and attractive facial profile.

Orthodontic Treatment Process

Orthodontic treatment usually includes the following steps:

Preliminary Assessment: The patient’s condition is evaluated by the dentist and the appropriate treatment plan is determined.

Start of Treatment: Depending on the condition of the teeth and jaws, orthodontic treatment with or without braces is applied.

Regular Check-ups: Regular check-ups are performed during treatment and the treatment plan is revised if necessary.

Fixation of Results: After the treatment is completed, fixation appliances or retainers are used to ensure the permanence of the results obtained.

For whom is it suitable?

Orthodontic treatment usually begins in childhood or adolescence, but is also suitable for adults. At any age, anyone with irregular tooth alignment or a jaw disorder can be a candidate for orthodontic treatment.

Make an Appointment Today for a More Beautiful Smile with Orthodontic Treatment!

In our clinic in Antalya, it is no longer a dream to have a healthier, more aesthetic and more beautiful smile with modern and effective treatment methods offered by our expert orthodontists. Contact us for more information or to book an appointment.