Prosthetic Dental Treatments

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Prosthetic Dental Treatments

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Prosthetic Dental Treatments

E-Max Veneers/Crowns

E-Max Veneers/Crowns are specially designed dental veneers that provide a perfect balance between dental aesthetics and durability.

Laminated Veneers

Laminate Veneers are thin, specially designed porcelain veneers that play an important role in aesthetic dental treatments.

Toronto Bridges

Toronto Bridges are one of the most innovative solutions offered by modern dentistry for individuals with complete edentulism.

Total Prostheses

Total dentures are a critical treatment option that significantly improves the quality of life of individuals in cases of complete edentulism.

Zirconia Crowns

Zirconia Crowns are gaining increasing popularity in dental treatments today. This popularity is based on important advantages such as aesthetics and durability.

Renewed Smiles with Comprehensive Prosthodontics

In our dental clinic in Antalya, we aim to meet the health and aesthetic expectations of our patients with the wide range of services we offer in prosthodontics. While our treatment process is shaped by the most advanced techniques offered by modern dentistry, we add a special touch to each patient’s story.

The aesthetic perfection of zirconium veneers, which blend perfectly with natural teeth, is a frequently preferred option in our clinic. Thanks to these veneers, we create healthy and bright smiles for everyone, including our patients with metal allergies. With laminate veneer applications, we correct the discolouration and deformities of the teeth and increase the self-confidence of our patients. Thin ceramic leaves are applied to the teeth with the meticulousness of a work of art, offering a natural beauty.

Emax veneers are an indispensable choice especially for our patients with high aesthetic expectations. These veneers mimic the vitality and naturalness of natural teeth thanks to their light transmittance, while at the same time offering a long-lasting solution.

With Toronto bridges, we are a beacon of hope for our patients with complete edentulism and give them a functional smile again with these implant-supported fixed bridges. In addition to aesthetics and comfort, this method provides great convenience in daily life.

Zirconium bridges with titanium bar substructure are an excellent option for our patients seeking both durability and aesthetic appearance. These bridges represent the most advanced technology offered by modern dentistry and offer our patients long-term satisfaction.

Total and removable partial dentures are among the solutions for our patients with missing teeth. Total dentures offer an option that improves the quality of life in cases of complete edentulism, while removable partial dentures combine aesthetics and functionality in partial tooth deficiencies.

In our clinic, we listen carefully to the history of each of our patients, recommend the most appropriate treatment and support them in this process. With modern technology and high standards of service, we aim to provide everyone with a healthier and more aesthetic smile in our dental clinic in Antalya. In this journey, the trust and satisfaction of our patients is our biggest source of motivation.